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interstate 19造句

"interstate 19"是什么意思  
  • -- TUBAC GOLF RESORT : Located off Interstate 19 in Tubac, Arizona.
  • Madera Canyon and Florida Wash, in Santa Rita Mountains east of Interstate 19.
  • It connects Interstate 19 with Mexican Federal Highway 15.
  • In the meantime, the trucks continue to rumble by on Interstate 19, and Nogales continues to grow.
  • Take Interstate 19 south to Exit 92.
  • The tower and dome are unmistakable to those passing by on Interstate 19, a mile to the east.
  • Tucked off Interstate 19 just 20 miles north of the Mexican border, Tubac is Arizona's version of Greenwich Village.
  • One exception is Interstate 19 in Arizona, which is almost completely signed in metric, except for speed limit signs.
  • But only after " la migra " takes down its checkpoint on Interstate 19, about 10 miles north of Nogales.
  • State officials also are concerned about public safety at the casino, which is just south of Tucson near Interstate 19.
  • It's difficult to see interstate 19 in a sentence. 用interstate 19造句挺难的
  • Interstate 19 has one business route which begins at the Mexican border in Nogales near the southern end of the Interstate.
  • South of Tucson, where the road signs on Interstate 19 to Mexico are in kilometers, not miles, the growth is more striking.
  • The nearby Titan Missile Museum is located about 20 miles south of Tucson in Green Valley off of Interstate 19 and features a silo.
  • A few highways, such as Delaware Route 1 and Interstate 19, have been renumbered from miles to kilometers, even in areas that typically use miles.
  • The development is bordered by Interstate 19 on the east, Mission Road to the west, Irvington Road to the north, and Valencia Road to the south.
  • Pushing on through Sonoita, Patagonia ( beware of distracted bird-watchers ! ) and Nogales, we found our way up Interstate 19 to the Tubac Golf Resort.
  • The remaining site, Titan II ICBM Site 571-7, about 15 miles south of Tucson on Interstate 19, serves as the Titan Missile Museum, a National Historic Landmark.
  • Three underage drinkers have lost their lives in separate car crashes in the past three years on the stretch of Interstate 19 between Nogales and Tucson, Slechta said.
  • The southern terminus of Interstate 19 is located in Nogales at the U . S .-Mexico border; the highway continues south into Mexico as Mexico Federal Highway 15.
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